Class UnwrapTransaction

Defines a wrap transaction.

Hierarchy (view full)




authorizedBy: string[]

The trusted indexers that authorized this transaction.

burnedBitcoin: BigNumberish

Returns the amount of satoshi that were burned in the transaction.

calldata: Buffer

The calldata of the transaction.

consolidatedVault: undefined | ParsedPartialWBTCUTXODocument

The consolidated vault. If any.

contractAddress: string

The contract address where the transaction was sent. (AKA "to").

contractSecret: Buffer

The contract secret.

The events of the transaction.

from: string

The from address of the transaction. (ALWAYS TAPROOT. This address is generated from the P2TR of the pubkey of the deployer.)

gasUsed: bigint

The amount of gas used by the transaction.

hash: string

The transaction "hash".

id: string

The transaction ID (hash).

index: number

The index of the transaction in the block.

The inputs of the transaction.

interactionPubKey: Buffer

The interaction public key.

OPNetType: InteractionType

The type of the transaction.

The outputs of the transaction.

receipt?: Buffer

The receipt of the transaction.

receiptProofs: string[]

The receipt proofs of the transaction.

requestedAmount: bigint

The requested amount.

revert?: Buffer

If the transaction was reverted, this field will contain the revert message.

senderPubKeyHash: Buffer

The sender's public key hash.

unwrapAmount: bigint

The amount to unwrap.

usedUTXOs: UsedUTXO[]

The UTXOs used in this transaction.

wasCompressed: boolean

Whether the transaction data was compressed.