Interface IBlock

This interface is used to define the properties of a block.


interface IBlock {
    bits: string;
    checksumProofs: BlockHeaderChecksumProof;
    checksumRoot: string;
    hash: string;
    height: BigNumberish;
    medianTime: number;
    merkleRoot: string;
    nonce: number;
    previousBlockChecksum: string;
    previousBlockHash: string;
    receiptRoot: string;
    size: number;
    storageRoot: string;
    strippedSize: number;
    time: number;
    transactions?: ITransaction[] | TransactionBase<OPNetTransactionTypes>[];
    txCount: number;
    version: number;
    weight: number;

Hierarchy (view full)

Implemented by


bits: string
checksumProofs: BlockHeaderChecksumProof
checksumRoot: string

Allows us to verify that the block is correct and not regenerated.

hash: string
height: BigNumberish
medianTime: number
merkleRoot: string
nonce: number
previousBlockChecksum: string
previousBlockHash: string
receiptRoot: string
size: number
storageRoot: string
strippedSize: number
time: number
txCount: number
version: number
weight: number